baek seong yeol

baek seong yeol

nickname ---
country Korea, Republic of
age ---
weight ---
height ---
occupation ---
biceps ---
forearm ---
wrist ---
Best of 5 · right arm
May 11, 2024 Sat, 17:00
Tom Holland
Tom Holland
baek seong yeol
Winner: 0 - 3
baek seong yeol
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Tom Holland
baek seong yeol
Knuckles up 2
Best of 5 · right arm
Jan 6, 2024 Sat, 17:00
Ryan Bowen
Ryan Bowen
Winner: 3 - 0
baek seong yeol
baek seong yeol
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Ryan Bowen
baek seong yeol